

Let’s talk some real shit…there’s a lot of crappy content floating around out there!

Content creation? It’s one of those time-consuming tasks that often gets pushed further and further down the "I should do" list. But there’s hope because we’ve got a little secret to make content work for you. Make it niche, make it specific and target it to your precise client.

Let’s consider Poo~Pourri, “The World’s Best Before You Go Spray,” which has made a business out of your business. Ten years, one viral marketing campaign and a valuation of $300 million, it seems like they’ve got their shit together. All poop-puns aside (forgive us, it’s too much fun!), Poo~Pourri is taking a traditionally taboo-topic, applying hilarious branding, hyper-targeting their audience and sparking up content around poop that’s paying the bills.

How are they doing it? Let’s get some pointers from Poo~Pourri…

WARNING: Potty mouth humor below 💩 

Case Study:
Getting under the Lid with Poo-Pourri

1. Content: Video
Connection: This shit is entertaining! From their very first viral video, Girls Don’t Poop, Poo~Pourri has been showing it like it is, bringing up relatable situations that might strike a chord with familiarity. And they do it with flair! They’re not laughing at us; they’re laughing with us.
Copy That: Make your client feel like you GET them. Yes, being on camera can be intimidating but start small with Instagram Stories or Facebook Live and see how your core audience reacts. Editor’s Edge Tip: Please don’t record while sitting on the toilet!

2. Content: Imagery
Connection: Poo~Pourri brand photography is on point. Their look is consistent, their product styling is simple, yet cheeky, and their overall online and social experience is consumer-friendly.
Copy That: We are ALL about the imagery. Take a minute to re-assess your brand’s photography. Does it all flow together? Does it tell a cohesive visual story? Customers have to understand your offer in 3 seconds or less – on all your channels. Curate imagery to be uniquely your brands!

 3. Content: Instagram
Connection: Okay, if Poo-Pourri can have a good looking Instagram we don’t want to hear why yours looks like shit. They balance curated images, product photos and on-brand pull quotes (even building in client feedback – so smart!) in their feed sparking a conversation around their product without asking for a purchase every post – because people are tired of that crap.
Copy That: What is your brand all about? Consider what related topics your ideal client is interested in, show and talk about that too! You’re way more likely to create that connection and grow your followers once you establish something in common.

4. Content: Thought Pieces
Connection: Who knew there were so many content-friendly topics related to poop? Well, there kind of weren’t until Poo~Pourri made them up. Clicking into their “Throne Diaries” blog you’ll find topics like “Bathroom 2.0,” talking about bathroom trends, and “It’s Only Natural,” which goes into the science behind number 2.
Copy That: Your core audience is coming to you because you know your shit! Consider yourself a thought leader in your niche. We bet you can come up with tips, tricks and some “on-no-she didn’t” stories to entertain your crowd! Soon enough you’ll be known as the certified go-to person for your industry.

 5. Content: Voice
Connection: To say that we LOL-ed at least ten times while on Poo~Pourri’s site would be a conservative estimate. They know what they’re selling (it’s a bit awkward), and they went all in on it…to major success! Silly snippets are scattered across their site (ex. “Flush yeah!”) and social copy, making it very fun to talk poop.
Copy That: We LOVE a good brand voice, and Poo~Pourri is the shit when it comes to speaking to their core audience. Do a self-assessment on your brand, your brand’s personality and how you would literally “talk” to your client if your brand came to life. Making that conversation real and authentic is how to cut through the crappy chatter to find your core audience!

Feeling relieved?
Time to wash your hands and
