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photo: unknown


Wrap a towel around yourself and get over it.

As you stare happily out onto the sea with the summer sun on your skin, you might be wondering, “Is my business where I want it to be?” Fair question. It’s important to hit pause and check in. Once you realize that yes, you’re right where you want to be, don’t start feeling guilty! Just remember… 

Happiness is where you are.

Now it’s not all smooth sailing & coconut trees - you have to be honest with yourself. But in doing so, don’t lose sight of what’s important to you. For some that may mean choosing not to expand into the national “luxury market” when the local “lovely market” feels just right. For others, the hard-knock hustle is what makes it all worthwhile. Wherever you fall, don’t apologize for knowing what you want instead of conforming to everyone else’s definition of “success.” 

Buuuut let’s not forget, “comfort is the enemy of progress,” so don’t get too snug too soon. Do settle into your business skin (that’s how authentic brands are made); don’t settle for status quo when the newbies come to your market (that’s how companies get forgotten). Stay on your toes! Keep a pulse on your market and a continuous focus on your business (not just in the day to day) to hold on to your slice of happiness. Editor’s Edge can refine your brand, target your ideal clients and make sure your voice stands out above the industry chatter to keep you at the top of your game. 

Once you discover your professional sweet spot add in your personal goals to build your business around the life you want to be living. Whether that means being on the road most weekends of the year or absolutely not living out of a suitcase, define specifically what your #bestlife looks like.  Now put business and pleasure together, flip it and reverse it to map out your road to cozy contentment. 

Want to kick back guilt free as soon as possible? 


We can get you there. 
Let’s get cozy!

