credit: Tim Walker


Feeling like
everything sucks?

Spring is ready to be sprung, and with it comes the urge to purge all the clutter accumulated over the long, cold winter months. Getting rid of your junk— literal or metaphorical — is the first step towards creating space and inviting new opportunities into your life.

Feeling overwhelmed in the throes of a spring fever dream can suck the creativity right out of you. So, we've curated a list of inspirations that definitely don’t suck. Put down your Swiffer and check out The Edit.


If you’re anything like us, you spent much of the 90s fangirling over the genius of George Michael’s Too Funky music video directed and styled by the late great fashion designer Thierry Mugler. Fun Fact: that music video played a huge role in inspiring the aesthetic of Editor’s Edge.

Much like Doc Martens and choker necklaces, the 90s are back with a vengeance at the Brooklyn Museum with its Thierry Mugler: Couturissism exhibit. This is a must-see for couture lovers and the art of being extra, but hurry—the show leaves on May 7, 2023.

credit: Murat Süyür


Side-eyeing the competition killing your confidence? Falling into the comparison trap is common but it doesn’t have to rain all over your parade.

If you’ve run the (Queen’s) gambit of trying to squash feelings of self-doubt on your own, check out our recent semi-monthly feature “7 Strategies for Outsmarting Success Envy.”


Gas up your red Ferrari and get ready to play hooky!

Kristi Drago-Price is comin’ to twist and shout with WIPA Chicago in their “avant garden” to present the “Blueprint to a Standout Brand” - and she’s armed with a slew of Ferris Bueller references.

Don’t wait to register; space is limited and closes on May 5, 2023.


What list of "musts" would be complete without the obligatory recommendation to watch Ted Lasso?

Some may debate that this season isn't as light-hearted, so for some levity, watch the charmingly grumpy Brett Goldstein, aka Roy Kent, stop by Sesame Street for a game of hide and seek, and teach children about an important F word. No, not that F word.


Oh, Canada. You are so endearing.

Whether poutine for lunch, curling competitions on tv, or caution signs against hotel hallway hockey, our kind-hearted neighbor to the North, and the homeland to our Office Manager, Leanna, lives up to its stereotypes.

On a recent trip, Editor’s Edge Creative Director Kristi Drago-Price visited the French-Canadian village of Mont Tremblant, which warmed her cold New York heart. She described it as Disney’s Epcot Center with a ski slope: the old-world charm was like stepping into a real-life Beauty and the Beast scene, with everyone happily greeting you with "Bonjour!"

credit: Walter Bibikow
