November 2019 Issue

Holy forking shirtballs, I’m Chidi.

What’s a Chidi? Chidi is a character from the show The Good Place that the kids and I have been binge-watching recently (highly recommend.) In case you’re wondering about the autocorrect fail, in the show, people in the Good Place (heaven) can’t curse (so I might as well start practicing now.)

Chidi’s biggest fault is that he can’t make decisions to save his life. Literally. In fact –– *SPOILER ALERT* ––his inability to make decisions is so cringe-worthy, he surprisingly ends up in the Bad Place. My kids will point to Chidi, start giggling, and say “Mom, that’s SO you!”

“What?! No it isn’t!” I’ll quip back...but as I shamefully glance at the “leaning tower of Zappos boxes” full of ankle booties I can’t decide if I want to keep, I realize they’re right. I am Chidi, and you might be, too.

I think the issue with the Chidi’s of the world (🙈) isn’t necessarily with the decision itself, but fixating on the what-ifs, or avoiding allll that comes with making the right one. Whatever the case may be, dodging decisions keeps us floating in purgatory, spinning like a top, and never really moving forward or backward. Until, of course, it sends us straight to the Bad Place.

So, how can we crawl back from the depths of H-E-double hockey sticks and face decisions (especially business ones) head-on?

I think our best bet is to approach each decision focusing on the possibilities –– not the problems. While it’s always a good idea to assess our choices (Reallocate? Refresh? Rebrand?) there’s a fine line between weighing the options and obsessing over the "what-ifs" bull-shirt.

It’s time we laser-focus on the best-case scenarios and fearlessly pick the path that’ll get us there. After all, every decision we’ve made has led us to this point, which means every decision to come, good or bad, will get us even closer to where we want to go!

If being stuck on business decisions will be your one-way ticket to the Bad Place, stay tuned for this month’s feature where we share 7 signs it’s time to take your business to the next level.

PS – Ready to nail your first decision? Up your weekly productivity by DOWNLOADING our time blocking schedule and roster of batch tasking ideas to keep you on track. You'll have more focus than you'll know what to forking do with!

