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In need of GPS directions to elevate your business? We’ve got the 3-step roadmap to sharpen your brand to speed past the competition.

Ever feel like your brand is just another Honda Civic stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic when you know there is a Bentley on the inside? You want your business to stand out, but you’re driving in circles on where to start?

Throw on your turn signal and swing into our shop, because finding your business’s inner Bentley is easier than you think. 

All you need is a trusted (and sassy!) expert to lift up the hood and provide the clarity you need to elevate your businessWhether that’s transforming into a recognizable brand, attracting your next level of (lucrative) clientele, or fine-tuning to keep your spot on top, we’re here to guide you over the edge and float your business to new only 3 steps!

Roll up your sleeves and get ready for a little grease under your manicure, because we’re drifting right in!



WHAT: The check engine light of your business is on, and it’s time to capture what’s leaking once and for all.

WHY: If one thing is out of whack, i.e. your business is plateauing, you’re over your clients, or you’re sick of being undercut by up-and-comers, then it won’t be long before more things bust out as well. It’s essential to look back on your business so you can discover how to go forward. 

HOW: Evaluate the current state of your business by backing up and jacking up, darling. Look at your brand's messaging, identify who you're targeting, and assess your inquiry process, your social strategy and other key areas of outward communications. Go below the surface, right down to the inner workings, to analyze probable missteps and use your diagnosis to prioritize areas in need of a second opinion. 


WHAT: It’s time to get honest with yourself and hand the keys over for some constructive feedback. 

WHY: A candid evaluation from a knowledgeable source brings beyond-the-obvious items to your attention. This outsider perspective can pinpoint missing bolts, gaskets, (and whatever else makes a car go boom) that you might not see. 

HOW: Seek educated feedback or an in-depth analysis from a legit expert. Not your best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend who passed out at 31 Flavors last night, or the fresh-face with 10,000 fake followers. If you want to transform your brand into a Bentley, go to the person with the most mileage.


WHAT: You’ve captured key observations and you’ve received empowering critique. Now comes the clarity to put the keys in the ignition and drive. 

WHY: All “a-ha” moments lead to this. You’ve been on the edge of something big for quite some time. Now, you have the clarity to systemically lay out the route that’ll take your business to the destination you’ve so badly wanted to get to. 

HOW: Unless your business is like Kit from Nightrider, it won’t fix itself. Plus, you probably don’t have the tools (or the time!) to fix it on your own. Go to an established expert specializing in established businesses. Their expertise and experience will miraculously lift your business off the ground toward new heights. 

Editor's Edge is the grease lightning you need.

We go below the surface to capture your specific purpose and beyond the obvious critique of your content to deliver the clarity that empowers your brand's growth. (AKA: we don't just tell you what's not working, we guide you on how to fix it.)

Together, let’s discover, target, and translate what makes your business unique, and develop a (visual and verbal) brand and marketing strategy that’s genuine to you.

You’ll be speeding toward your destination in no time!



PS - Don’t miss the exitsubscribe to the upcoming Letter From the Editor where Editor’s Edge Creative Director opens up about the first time she ever-received constructive criticism and how it cleared the windshield to see the road ahead.
