photo: Inge Morath

photo: Inge Morath


The spirits of the past, present, and future of your business are upon us!

Let’s be real –– a whole year of grinding in our businesses tends to leave us, well...feeling scrooged by December.

Instead of letting the hardships, bad decisions, or fear of the past year (rhyme not intended) make us crotchety, let’s hit pause on the end-of-year client work and fly off with the ghosts of our business’ past, present, and future. Strap in as they present five key questions to give you some much-needed reflection about the ups and downs of 2019.

Remember: Your “oh well” moments could turn into “a-ha!” moments, so take notes to put into play for 2020...The clock is striking. They’re here!






PAST: Thinking back (to where you probably don’t want to go...) what wrong decision from this year still haunts you?

PRESENT: If you haven’t laughed it off by now, you definitely should. No one expects you to be perfect (except for you because you’re a type-A entrepreneur), but the important thing is learning from your not-so-perfect past decisions.

FUTURE: 2020 will present a lot of brand-new decisions. You’ll be all the wiser thanks to 2019, but it can be tough to predict “what wicked things this way comes” or to see opportunities when they present themselves. If you want next-level strategic insight that will shuffle you toward achieving better business decisions, take a further peak into the future with Editor’s Edge in a complimentary consult.


PAST: Scrooge was an A-hole (in the beginning), but THIS one client of yours is an even bigger one. What name comes to mind?

PRESENT: Flash forward to the present where you’re kicking yourself for reluctantly agreeing to work together. You’re thinking how you can dump this diva, or you might want to ghost them altogether!

FUTURE: In the upcoming year, commit to dodging work with these crotchety characters. Remember: your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you keep drawing bah-humbug cheapskates, then let’s get your feet wet in a Toe Dip consult and discover the disconnect.


PAST: Scrooge loved Belle (before he effed up and let her get away.) When it comes to your clients, who’s your Belle?

PRESENT: They get you, they trust you, and you even enjoyed some laughs (and cocktails) along the way. So presently, you might be wondering, “how can I lock down more of those types of clients?”

FUTURE: The key to booking more killer clients in 2020 is having a precise understanding of who they are, why they hired you, and the intricacies of attracting them. Sound confusing? Take a Deep Dive with Editor's Edge. We’ll dig into identifying your unicorn clients, critique your current messaging, and provide the clarity needed to market directly to your target. Your roster of clients in 2020 will make your heart grow three sizes larger!


PAST: Posting paralysis can be pretty haunting. This past year, were your social channels a bit dead from neglect?

PRESENT: You're currently staring at a blank caption hypnotized by a blinking cursor, and the thought of talking on IG stories scares the Dickens out of you. 😱

FUTURE: Just like Scrooge, your social channels are headed to the graveyard. Let's break you free from posting paralysis with session-by-session informational Brand Coaching to lay out a social media strategy that’s realistic for you. No more heavy chains holding you back!


PAST: This isn’t the Victorian era, where it was easy to corner your market. Did it seem like a group of fresh-faced competitors came out of the woodworks this year...with an unnerving resemblance to your signature style and services?

PRESENT: Right now, you’re doing well business-wise but are frustrated AF. You did all the hard work and put in the time, but now you can't help but feel knocked off. Scrooge them!

FUTURE: Your frustration will only get worse in the upcoming year as more and more noise starts to crowd your industry. However, you can elevate above copy-cat competition by springing out of bed and evolving your business into a well-sharpened brand. A little brand development goes a long way, so rewrite your future with a complimentary consult!

Congrats! You survived a look at the past, present, and potential future of your business using the highs and lows of 2019.

Before you go joyfully yelling at children or overpaying for a fat Christmas goose, write down your sparking epiphanies to take ahold of 2020 a smarter and more strategic business owner.

Ready to turn your future into the present? Editor’s Edge is your Jacob Marley. We show up (announced, unchained, and undead) to show you where your brand’s strengths and weaknesses lie and work with you to turn them into next-level opportunities.

It’s not Christmas (Hanukah, Kwanza or fill in the blank) morning,  

but it’ll feel like it in a complimentary

30 minute consult with Editor’s Edge!

PS – Slots are filling up faster than Scrooge running toward a dollar. If you’re looking to make big moves in 2020, now’s the time to get on the schedule!
